Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Etiology of Periodontitis

Differentiated by origin periodontal infection, traumatic and medical. Given that the pathogenetic therapy of the expected maximum effect, the modern classification of periodontitis should reflect the nature of the pathological process in the periodontium and to take into account the causal factors: infection, sensitization periodontal tissue, impaired trophic, injury potent drugs.

Infectious periodontitis. The main role in the development of periodontitis are infectious microbes, mainly streptococci, nonhemolytic streptococci among which is 62%, zelenyaschy - 26%, hemolytic - 12%. Coccal flora usually sow together with other microorganisms - veylonellami, lactobacilli, yeast fungi. Toxins of microorganisms and decay products of the pulp penetrate through the root canal, periodontal and gingival pocket. There is, though more rarely, hematogenous and also lymphogenous way of an infectious periodontitis (influenza, typhoid and other infections). According to the literature, the contents of root canals with untreated apical periodontitis determined by microbial associations, consisting of 2-5 species, and rarely, pure cultures of microorganisms.

Thus, by way of penetration of bacterial infection, periodontitis. Go to last and can be classified as infectious periodontitis, which develops as a result of the inflammatory process of transition from the surrounding tissue (osteomyelitis, osteitis, sinusitis, etc.).

Traumatic periodontitis. Is the result of the impact on the periodontium as a single significant injury (bruise, a blow or hit in the tooth hard object in the form of a pebble, stone), and less strong, but repetitive microtrauma repeatedly as a result of incorrect (high) sealing, "direct" the bite, with regular pressure on certain teeth mouthpiece a pipe or a musical instrument, as well as bad habits (snacking threads, pressure on the tooth with a pencil, etc.).

In acute trauma, periodontitis develops rapidly with acute events, bleeding. In chronic injury changes in periodontal grow gradually: first the periodontium as it adapts to overload. Then, with the weakening of adaptive mechanisms of periodontal trauma causes a constant flowing chronically inflammatory process. With traumatic stress can occur lacunar resorption compact disc alveoli in the apex of the root.

Medical periodontitis. Develops most often as a result of incorrect treatment of pulpitis, when released into the periodontium of potent chemicals or drugs, such as arsenical paste, formalin, formalin-trikrezol, phenol, and others. Penetration of these drugs in the periodontium, as well as its infection occurs through the root canal. This will include periodontitis, which develops in response to the removal of the periodontium in the treatment of pulpitis phosphate cement paratsina, resorcinol-formalin paste, pins and other filling materials. To include medical periodontitis and periodontitis, which has developed as a manifestation of allergy as a result of the use of drugs that can cause a local immune reaction (antibiotics, eugenol, etc.).

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